Singapore Collective Bargaining Agreement for Seafarers

March 5, 2022 1:34 pm

Sometimes the ITF signs an agreement directly with the shipowner. If you are covered by an ITF agreement but there is no ITF member union in your home country, the ITF will represent you to the employer. To find out if your ship is covered by an ITF agreement, click search SOS CBA covers all categories of seafarers except officers. When a shipowner signs an itF agreement, they undertake to: The ITF-TCC agreement is the most common type of ITF agreement. Most affiliated unions use the ITF Uniform Agreement on STC. There are several other types of STC agreements, all approved by the ITF and adopted by various affiliated unions around the world. Although they may vary slightly (mainly due to the requirements of their national legislation), they are all based on the ITF-TCC single and comply with the itF minimum standards. The ITF Model Agreement is usually signed as a result of a labour dispute or when it is determined that a company has breached a previous agreement. This is the most costly agreement for the shipowner. This non-negotiable agreement, also known as the FFA, was drafted by the International Transport Federation (ITF). This agreement is signed between the shipping companies, the Singapore Maritime Officers` Union (SMOU) and the Singapore Organisation of Seamen (SOS). This contractual agreement, also known as SFA, is an agreement negotiated between shipping companies and unions to ensure a fair agreement for both parties.

With these agreements signed, Singapore must also be promoted as an International Maritime Centre (ICD). The undersigned syndicate generally comes from the country where the ship`s economic shipping company is based. Often, the trade unions of the nation or nations of origin of the occupation also participate in the negotiations. This is to ensure that the agreement takes into account all national laws and practices and that crew members can become members of their national union. This is the legally binding document that binds the employer to the relevant collective agreement (CLA) approved by the ITF. It indicates which CBA applies, specifies the details of the vessel concerned and indicates the dates on which the agreement is valid. It sets out the obligations of shipowners and the right of ITF representatives to access the vessel and verify its compliance with the agreement. CBAS signed between the shipping company and the union are treated as legal documents within the meaning of the Industrial Relations Act. Collective agreements are duly registered with the Singapore Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC). * Non-FOC or nationally flagged vessels may be covered by national agreements, but these fall under the competence of the local union of the flag country.

IBF Agreements (JFAs) are only available to shipowners who are members of one of the shipowners` associations that make up the Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) and who are represented alongside the ITF at the International Negotiating Forum (IBF). IBF agreements (BCAs) are based on a CBA framework with a specific variant for local content, but meet all the minimum criteria. The social partners, employers and the trade union negotiate local content and the salary scale on the basis of a centrally negotiated duration and wage increase. ITF agreements are only those approved by the ITF and apply only to ships flying flags of convenience (FOC)* ITF agreements are signed by an ITF affiliate and shipping company, either the beneficial owner, operator, crew agent or ship manager. To conduct industrial and related affairs on behalf of the Union and/or its members. These are contracts that bind individual crew members to the itf agreement and the corresponding ABC. They list the details of the sailor, employer, vessel and the CBA conditions that apply to that particular crew member. For example, if he/she is an AB, he/she will give the base salary, guaranteed overtime, overtime rate, vacation pay and per diem that apply to an AB. There should be 4 copies of the seafarer`s employment contract: one copy that the seafarer can keep for his own records; one for the vessel`s file; one for ITF London; and one for the company`s file. Upon application for an ITF BLUE certificate, the company must draw up seafarers` employment contracts, ship`s articles, crew list, staffing scale, insurance exemption certificate and bank bill of exchange for the International Transport Workers` Federation. The Union prepares the necessary documents (special agreement, collective agreement, etc.) for signature.

Copies of the required documents will be sent to the ITF for submission. The company must complete a 16-point ITF questionnaire. The completed questionnaire will be sent to the ITF through the EU for consultation. Please contact Ms. Koh so Lee at 6379-5679 to request a sample copy of the collective agreement. This is the document that lists all the conditions of the crew employed on the ship. It defines rights such as wages (in the form of a salary scale), hours of work, etc. Use the links below or click on the relevant documents on the right side of this screen to see the texts of the various ITF collective agreements.
