Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet for Grade 8

March 5, 2022 1:34 pm

Question 3. Underline the verbs in the sentences below and indicate whether they are in the active or passive voice. (i) Sita loves Savitri. (ii) The wall is built by the mason. (iii) Some boys helped the injured man. (iv) The man killed the snake. (v) The food prepared by Asha was eaten by Ram. Answer: (i) Sita loves Savitri. – (Active) (ii) The wall is built by the mason. – (Passive) (iii) Some boys helped the injured man. – (Active) (iv) Man killed the snake. – (Active) (v) The food prepared by Asha was eaten by Ram.

Prepared – (Active) has been eaten – (Passive) Example: He is a good boy. (Singular subject, Singular Verb) They are good players (plural subject, plural verb) If two subjects express an idea together, the verb will be in the singular. Example: Some nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning take on a singular verb. For example, B. Edit the following sentences to eliminate subject-verb matching problems and write the modified sentence. If a sentence is correct, write “correct.” Example: Mom, can I run in the park? I jumped over the puddle. You swam fast in the race. What do capitalized words have in common? These are verbs! A verb is an important part of language that is often used to describe or indicate an action. Sentences are not complete without a verb.

Examples include jogging, stopping, listening, calling, exploring, and believing. If two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing, the verb must be singular. For example, if a plural noun is between a subject in the singular and its verb, the verb used is singular. Example: Types of verbs Action verbs An action word says what the subject does. (build, laugh, walk, express) or that it exists. (is, are, were, were) Examples: A. Underline the subject (or composite subject), then check the verb that corresponds to it. The first one was made for you. If the subjects related by “or”, “nor” have different numbers, the verb must be plural and the plural subject must be placed next to the verb. For example, it should be noted that the article is used only once if both names refer to the same person. If reference were made to different people, the article would be used before each noun and the verb would be plural.

Example: The title of a book, a play, a story, a musical composition and the name of a country, although the plural in the form assumes a singular verb. Example: However, it should be borne in mind that when thinking of the individuals who make up the collective noun, it may adopt a plural verb. Example: A help verb indicates when the action of a sentence takes place. The verb helping be has several forms on, is, are, were and want. Examples: A binding verb associates a noun or adjective in the predicate with the subject. The forms of the verb “to be” are the most common connection verbs. Connection verbs can be used in all three tenses. When singular subjects have “everyone” or “everyone” in front of them, the verb is usually singular. For example, verbs consist of three main parts. They are present, past and past participles.

For regular verbs, the past tense is formed by adding ed to the present; and past participation is formed using the verb of the past tense with a help verb such as has, have, or had. Example: Irregular verbs Irregular verbs change completely in the past tense. Unlike regular verbs, the past tenses of irregular verbs are not formed by adding ed. Example: If the subject of the verb is a relative pronoun, care must be taken to ensure that the verb matches the parent`s predecessor in number and person. Example: Transitive and intransitive verbs An intransitive verb can be autonomous in the predicate because its meaning is complete. For example, words that are associated with a singular subject by being connected to, with, in addition to, or and are enclosed in parentheses and therefore have no effect on the number of verbs. Example: D. Underline the subject of the sentence and the correct verb in the following sentences. Two or more singular subjects related by “or”, “again”, “either”, “neither” or ” assume a verb in the singular . . .