Radiumphonic Lab is the engine room behind Radium Audio, where we construct our own musical instruments and soundmaking devices to achieve musical tones and sounds which can’t be created from conventional and electronic instruments or standard “off the shelf” sound libraries. Creating music from instruments we’ve designed and built, as well as “found sound” from objects we have around us gives our work a richer, more authentic feel. Our collective background in the fields of electro-acoustics, music and sound psychology, sonic engineering and programming, and interactive sound environments has also led to some boundary pushing commissions and prototypes, expressing our sonic creativity through scientific and technological paths which we’ve developed bespoke to project. We’ve also taken our creations out on the road with our Radiumphonic Live Lab experience. Our commitment to developing an environment which encourages our whole team to try new creative avenues and approaches enables us to bring true individuality and flair to the sound and music we make for our projects.

Radiumphonic Live Lab Experience