Original Score & Sound Design by Radium Audio

PauseFest was the brainchild of a small team of Australian based global creatives, led by George Hedon. Their vision was to create a digital and interactive festival, not for profit, free to the public – quote – “a manifestation of the digital and creative industries featuring the world’s most creative minds of the 21st century, all about the new, innovative, interactive, exciting, creative and contemporary”.

When Radium initially started talking with PauseFest we were really impressed with the passion, spirit and drive that George and his team were putting into getting the festival started, so we wanted do all we could to help.

Working with 9 stunning visual pieces from some of the world’s best motiongraphics animators including Studio Breeder who created the atmospheric opening titles “Equilibrium” shown above, combining the talents of our inhouse team with some of the freshest unsigned talent and some highly regarded guest artists, Radium curated and created music and sound for PauseFest 2011.

See below for

  • All 9 animations in full
  • 20 minute behind-the-scenes documentary with Radium Team and guest artists

PauseFest Artist Mix (70 min)

Radium-Audio · Radium Audio Presents – Pause Fest Artists Compilation 2011

Full credits here

Watch and Listen to the Animations


Music and Sound – Radium Audio
Full credits here

Making of PauseFest Sound and Music


Meet the Radium inhouse team and guest artists behind PauseFest